Our Private Investigative Blog

Our Private Investigative Blog2023-01-19T21:08:43+00:00

Night Club Fraud Exposed While Undercover

Undercover Investigation: Night Club Fraud Exposed While Undercover E-Newsletter Article In late 2015, Texas Investigative Network was engaged by a Texas law firm to conduct an undercover investigation requiring covert surveillance into a nightclub involved in a civil lawsuit over a breach of a contract dispute.  TIN’s case objectives in the matter were the following: Determine the monetary charges at the door for those customers entering the nightclub and determine the number of attendees (approximately) who pass ...

Inappropriate Corporate Relations

We were retained to conduct a corporate investigation whereas the subject of the investigation decided to fly into Houston two days prior to the meeting.

Drinking And Driving Leads Parent To Lose Custody

Family Law Investigation: Drinking And Driving Leads Parent To Lose Custody E-Newsletter Article Recently, a Houston area law firm hired Texas Investigative Network, Inc. to conduct a covert, mobile surveillance assignment.  The Subject of our investigation was suspected of violating her divorce decree by consuming alcohol - and having male visitors overnight – during her time of possession with her three (3) children.             On TIN’s second day of surveillance, our Investigators captured video evidence of ...

Badly Injured… Really?

Insurance Defense Investigation: Badly Injured...Really? E-Newsletter Article In the summer of 2016, a Beaumont law firm retained Texas Investigative Network, Inc. to conduct an insurance defense investigation that required covert, mobile surveillance on the Plaintiff in a civil lawsuit.  The Plaintiff claimed that he had sustained a shoulder injury as a result of an accident, which allegedly prevented him from working out. TIN Investigators conducted two (2) days of surveillance and observed the Plaintiff working as a ...

Surveillance Investigators Catch Plaintiff Red Handed

Insurance Defense Investigation: Caught Red-Handed E-Newsletter Article In mid-2015, Texas Investigative Network, Inc. was retained by an out of state law firm to conduct an insurance defense surveillance investigation on a plaintiff who claimed that she had suffered permanent nerve damage as her median nerve was severed, thus causing limitations with her right arm.  The plaintiff claimed that she was experiencing very poor grip with her right hand and unable to pick up anything and hold it.  ...

Surveillance Case Reveals Personal Injury Claimant Singing and Dancing

Insurance Defense Investigation: Singing, Dancing, and Disabled E-Newsletter Article In early 2015, Texas Investigative Network, Inc. was retained by a Texas law firm to conduct an insurance defense investigation requiring covert surveillance on a plaintiff in a civil lawsuit.  The plaintiff claimed he had sustained a back injury as the result of an accident at the client’s place of business.  The plaintiff initially had back surgery, yet claimed that he was still injured and had limited physical capabilities ...

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