The company license insures that the Owner/Investigator has passed a Criminal History Background Investigation performed by the Department of Public Safety and the F.B.I., has completed and passed the required amount of Continuing Education Courses (16 hours per licensing term) and has shown proof of Professional Liability Insurance.
A Private Investigator has no authority in Texas to carry a concealed firearm beyond that of a private citizen. Private Investigators are prohibited from breaking Federal, State or Local laws in the course of conducting any investigation or surveillance. A Private Investigator cannot tap telephone lines, conduct illegal searches and seizures, or violate anyone’s civil rights.
Mobile/Covert Surveillance, Insurance Claims, Corporate Theft, Undercover, Infidelity, Background Investigations, Locating Debtors/Witnesses, Asset/ Business Record Searches and Accident/Incident.
Texas Investigative Network, Inc. specializes in Mobile/Covert Surveillance, Civil Litigation (Insurance Defense, Product Liability, Locates, etc…), Electronic Countermeasures and Interrogation/Polygraph Examinations.
With client authorization, an investigative strategy is proposed and implemented. Upon conclusion of an assignment, clients may request a professional report which addresses all prior areas of concern.
TIN Asset Investigations are conducted in Pre-Litigation, In-Litigation and/or Post Judgment situations. The data and/or evidence developed through this level of investigation is essential to determine if a debtor or defendant is genuinely able to satisfy a financial obligation.
Although internet-based research can be preliminarily helpful when seeking to identify assets or leads to assets, a thorough and comprehensive Asset Investigation will always include proprietary computer databases, government agency filings, courthouse records and other asset-related categories of information.
A TIN Non-Financial Assets investigation typically includes Real Estate, Vehicles, Watercraft, Aircraft, Unclaimed Property, UCC Filings, and various other ownership data searches.
A TIN Financial Assets investigation typically consists of state-wide Bank Account searches and U.S. Brokerage Account searches. Financial Asset investigations are conducted for law firm and comply with GLB policy.
TIN Non-Financial Asset investigations typically range from $ 500.00 – $ 2,500.00, depending on the number of jurisdictions identified for investigation and the volume of records, information, etc. developed through the course of the investigation.
TIN Financial Asset investigations range from $ 1,250.00 – $ 10,000.00, depending on the number of jurisdictions identified for investigation, volume of information and types of accounts developed through the course of the investigation, etc.
Initially, TIN recommends a review of all relevant and/or questionable records, transactions, invoices, deposits, receipts, etc. in order to establish that monetary losses have in fact occurred. It is also prudent to conduct a comprehensive background investigation(s) of all suspected employee(s), managers, etc. in order to identify those who have historically demonstrated a propensity to conduct acts of theft, fraud, embezzlement, etc. With client authorization, TIN may also initiate covert/mobile surveillance, undercover operations, non-financial assets and financial account searches and/or employee/manager interviews for purposes of identifying individuals responsible for and methodologies utilized which contributed to the company losses.
The costs for TIN to conduct a corporate investigation will vary from case to case and is contingent upon the industry, client objectives, monetary losses realized to date and the strategy and scope of the investigation. A typical corporate fraud, theft and/or embezzlement investigation will range in costs from 5,000.00 to $ 50,000.00.
Depending on the extent of the theft, fraud and/or embezzlement which have contributed to company losses, two (2) to four (4) weeks of research, investigation, surveillance, etc. is typically required by TIN to complete a corporate investigation. Some corporate matters for investigation; however, may require more time (1 – 3 months) in order to properly address all case objectives and bring clarity and resolution to a client’s issue(s).
TIN has the resources and extensive experience in determining who the shareholders, officers/directors and/or key managers are in connection with a questionable entity. The names of owners and shareholders are sometimes not recorded in the business filings or corporate documents. Although often difficult to obtain, this level of information is critical for a client to have when an issue has developed, or when ownership clarity is needed in order to properly bring an entity into litigation.
TIN conducts Subject Locate investigations on dead-beat dads and moms for the purposes of establishes new residential and/or employment addresses for process service. Under most circumstances, TIN provides this service to parents who have a need for this level of investigation on a no-fee basis. All that is needed is the name, last known address, phone number, personal identifiers, etc. for the father of the child/children, and the name and all direct contact info for the AG Representative that is currently handling your matter.