Dear Heavenly Father,

May we be sincerely grateful for the clients that have been directed to Texas Investigative Network for assistance, and may we possess a genuine and humble desire to earnestly serve those who come to us seeking the truth in a time of need, uncertainty, or anxiousness.

We ask for Your guidance O Lord that as an agency we may carry out our investigative work in an honest, conscientious, persistent, and effective manner.

We ask that you bless, guide, and protect both those personally engaged in and those affected by the work that we do.

O Heavenly Father, may the outcomes that we strive to obtain through our efforts ultimately be achieved in accordance with Your will.

We ask that Thou grant the petitions of Thy servants, and that all that we do may give glory, praise, honor, and thanksgiving unto You, through Thy beloved Son and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


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